Online (The Netherlands) or face-to-face assistance (Rivierenland region) • Masterclass on location (The Netherlands)

Nutritional advice⁺

Personalised advice for you or your family • Masterclass for your colleagues or courses

The way to a healthy life

 My name is Jelena Roborgh (M.Sc.), and I hold a university degree in Nutritional Sciences from Germany. During my studies, I interned at various nutrition practices, where I gained valuable experience in guiding clients with complex health challenges.

My passion lies in supporting individuals and organisations in achieving their health goals. This includes weight management, addressing nutrition-related conditions, and enhancing physical and mental resilience. I strongly believe in the combination of proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity as the foundation for a healthy and balanced life.

Whatever the health goals may be, I am here to support you, your family, or your organisation!

Select your module

Module Personal advice •

Online or face-to-face

Kamp je met over- of ondergewicht, of heb je last van voedingsgerelateerde aandoeningen*? Ontvang persoonlijke voedingsbegeleiding die helemaal op jou is afgestemd. Samen doorlopen we een traject van vier contactmomenten verspreid over 90 dagen waarin we jouw voedingspatroon stap voor stap aanpakken.


  1. Intake and assessment (60 minutes)
    We get to know each other: I listen to your story, we conduct a body scan, and discuss your needs, challenges, and goals. Together, we map out your current eating habits, lifestyle, and objectives. I will provide you with a preliminary nutrition plan so you can get started right away.
  2. Personalized nutrition plan (45–60 minutes)
    Approximately one week later, I will have developed a nutrition plan tailored to your personal situation. We will review the plan together and incorporate your feedback, so you can start working with a realistic nutrition plan on your own.
  3. Progress check (60 minutes)
    After a few weeks, we will take a moment to assess your progress. What is already working well for you, and where are you still facing challenges? If needed or desired, we will adjust the plan to better align with your personal situation.
  4. Reflection and looking ahead (60 minutes)
    We will conclude the program by discussing what you have achieved. You will receive tips and advice on how to continue building on these results independently.

Duur: 4 contactmomenten verspreid over 90 dagen met tussentijdse korte check-ins of alles naar wens verloopt.

* Bijvoorbeeld chronische ziekten (zoals diabetes, hart- en vaatziekten, COPD, nierproblemen, reuma, en botontkalking),  spijsverterings- en andere aandoeningen (zoals maag-, darm-, leverklachten, allergieën, intoleranties, kankerbehandelingen, en kauw- en slikproblemen) en eetstoornissen.

Module Gezinsbegeleiding • Online of face-to-face

To do: Inleidende vraagstelling t.b.v. doelgroep

With this program, I offer 90 days of guidance for the entire family. Through five sessions, we will work together on a healthier eating pattern for your family, involving each of you.


  1. Intake and assessment (60 minutes)
    During the intake, we will discuss your needs, challenges, and goals. I will listen to your story, conduct body scan measurements, and gather all the necessary information to create a nutrition plan tailored to your family. I will provide you with a preliminary nutrition plan so you can get started right away.
  2. Personalized nutrition plan (60 minutes)
    Approximately one week later, I will have created a customized nutrition plan for your family. We will review the plan together and incorporate your feedback. I will provide practical tips and answer your questions, so you’ll know exactly how to implement the plan into your daily life.
  3. Exercises and workshop (60 minutes)
    We will actively work together. I will provide tips and exercises that you can do together at home after the session. Additionally, I will give a short workshop on a nutrition-related topic that aligns with your goals.
  4. Follow-up (60 minutes)
    With parents (30 minutes): We will discuss how things are going, what is working well, and what could be improved.
    With children (30 minutes): I will speak separately with the children to hear how they are experiencing the changes and provide age-appropriate tips.
  5. Conclusion (60 minutes)
    We will conclude our joint program and evaluate the initial results. This is also a time to look ahead: how can your family maintain the healthier habits you've learned?

Duur: vijf contactmomenten verspreid over 90 dagen met tussentijdse korte check-ins of alles naar wens verloopt.

Module Master class Vitaliteitskompas • Voor jouw organisatie of opleiding

De masterclass Vitaliteitskompas draagt op een praktische wijze bij aan een langdurige versterking van de fysieke en mentale weerbaarheid. Zij is opgebouwd uit vier samenhangende pilaren:

  1. Mentale gezondheid
     Leer krachtige technieken voor stressmanagement en vergroting van de mentale veerkracht.
  2. Healthy nutrition
    Gain insight into the importance of healthy nutrition for resilience, and receive practical tools to develop healthier eating habits.
  3. Physical health
    Understand the benefits of sufficient exercise and effective sleep – and the risks of a sedentary lifestyle – for resilience. Learn actionable and achievable methods for improvement in these areas.
  4. Werkomgeving
    Leer over ergonomie, een gezonde werkcultuur, waaronder een balans tussen werk en prvié en sociale verbinding met naaste collega’s.

Doelgroep: Organisaties die willen investeren in de vitaliteit van hun medewerkers of studenten.

Duur: 1–2 dagen (2–4 dagdelen)

Groepsgrootte: max. 12 deelnemers


  • Conscious engagement by participants with their "Vitality Compass" to strengthen their long-term resilience.
  • A stronger team dynamic and work atmosphere.


Personalised for you

Online (The Netherlands) or face-to-face
(Rivierenland region)


Personalised for your family

Online (The Netherlands) or face-to-face
(Rivierenland region)


For your colleagues or courses

On location
(The Netherlands)

Module Personal advice •

Online or face-to-face


Are you struggling with overweight or underweight, or dealing with nutrition-related conditions*? Receive personalised nutritional advice tailored to you. Together, we will go through a program of four sessions spread over 90 days, where we will address your eating habits step by step.


Intake and assessment (60 minutes)
We get to know each other: I listen to your story, we conduct a body scan, and discuss your needs, challenges, and goals. Together, we map out your current eating habits, lifestyle, and objectives. I will provide you with a preliminary nutrition plan so you can get started right away.

Personalized nutrition plan (45–60 minutes)
Approximately one week later, I will have developed a nutrition plan tailored to your personal situation. We will review the plan together and incorporate your feedback, so you can start working with a realistic nutrition plan on your own.

Progress check (60 minutes)
After a few weeks, we will take a moment to assess your progress. What is already working well for you, and where are you still facing challenges? If needed or desired, we will adjust the plan to better align with your personal situation.

Reflection and looking ahead (60 minutes)
We will conclude the program by discussing what you have achieved. You will receive tips and advice on how to continue building on these results independently.


Four sessions spread over 90 days, with interim brief check-ins to ensure everything is going as planned.

* For example, chronic diseases (such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, COPD, kidney problems, arthritis, and osteoporosis), digestive and other conditions (such as stomach, intestinal, liver issues, allergies, intolerances, cancer treatments, and chewing and swallowing problems), and eating disorders.

Module Gezinsbegleiding •

Online of face-to-face


With this program, I offer 90 days of guidance for the entire family. Through five sessions, we will work together on a healthier eating pattern for your family, involving each of you.


Intake and assessment (60 minutes)
During the intake, we will discuss your needs, challenges, and goals. I will listen to your story, conduct body scan measurements, and gather all the necessary information to create a nutrition plan tailored to your family. I will provide you with a preliminary nutrition plan so you can get started right away.

Personalized nutrition plan (60 minutes)
Approximately one week later, I will have created a customized nutrition plan for your family. We will review the plan together and incorporate your feedback. I will provide practical tips and answer your questions, so you’ll know exactly how to implement the plan into your daily life.

Exercises and workshop (60 minutes)
We will actively work together. I will provide tips and exercises that you can do together at home after the session. Additionally, I will give a short workshop on a nutrition-related topic that aligns with your goals.

Follow-up (60 minutes)
With parents (30 minutes): We will discuss how things are going, what is working well, and what could be improved.
With children (30 minutes): I will speak separately with the children to hear how they are experiencing the changes and provide age-appropriate tips.

Conclusion (60 minutes)
We will conclude our joint program and evaluate the initial results. This is also a time to look ahead: how can your family maintain the healthier habits you've learned?


Five sessions spread over 90 days with interim brief check-ins to ensure everything is going as planned.

Module Master class Vitaliteitskompas •

Voor jouw organisatie of opleiding


De masterclass Vitaliteitskompas draagt op een praktische wijze bij aan een langdurige versterking van de fysieke en mentale weerbaarheid. Zij is opgebouwd uit vier samenhangende pilaren


Mental health
Learn powerful techniques for stress management and increasing mental resilience.

Healthy nutrition
Gain insight into the importance of healthy nutrition for resilience, and receive practical tools to develop healthier eating habits.

Physical health
Understand the benefits of sufficient exercise and effective sleep – and the risks of a sedentary lifestyle – for resilience. Learn actionable and achievable methods for improvement in these areas.

Leer over ergonomie, een gezonde werkcultuur, waaronder een balans tussen werk en prvié en sociale verbinding met naaste collega’s.

Target audience: Organizations that want to invest in the vitality of their employees or students.

Duration: 1–2 days (2–4 sessions)

Group size: Max. 12 participants


  • Conscious engagement by participants with their "Vitality Compass" to strengthen their long-term resilience.
  • A stronger team dynamic and work atmosphere.


A partnership for every individual, every family, and every organisation or course.


Online package € 245
Face-to-face package € 325

Are there complex health challenges involved?

Contact me for a bespoke quote.


Online package € 595
Face-to-face package € 695


Contact me for a bespoke quote.

Contact me

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magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui.
Regina Philange

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